British Geological Survey

The British Geological Survey (BGS) is a world-leading geological survey, focusing on public-good science for government, and research to understand earth and environmental processes.
We are the UK’s premier provider of objective and authoritative geoscientific data, information and knowledge to help society to:
• use its natural resources responsibly
• manage environmental change
• be resilient to environmental hazards
The BGS provides expert services and impartial advice in all areas of geoscience. As a public sector organisation, we are responsible for advising the UK government on all aspects of geoscience as well as providing impartial geological advice to industry, academia and the public. Our client base is drawn from the public and private sectors both in the UK and internationally.
The BGS is a component body of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).
The BGS produces a wide range of data products that align to government policy and stakeholder needs. These include baseline geological data, engineering properties and geohazards datasets. These products are developed using in-house scientific and digital expertise and are based on the outputs of our research programmes and substantial national data holdings.
Its products are supported by stakeholder focus groups, identification of gaps in current knowledge and policy assessments. They help to improve understanding and communication of the impact of geoenvironmental properties and hazards in Great Britain, thereby improving society’s resilience and enabling people, businesses, and the government to make better-informed decisions.