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Association for Geographic Information Announces GeoCom 23 Conference

D. René

The UK membership organisation for companies and individuals working in the geospatial sector, the Association for Geographic Information (AGI), has released details for its flagship event. GeoCom is the largest independent event in the UK GI calendar which is organised for geospatial professionals by geospatial professionals. This year’s event will take place on the 5 December 2023 at the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) in London. Under the theme ‘Intelligent Geospatial for a Sustainable Future’ thought leaders from around the world will come together with an expected 400 strong audience and industry sponsors to inform, engage and grow knowledge.

GeoCom 2022 audience

“Feedback from last year’s conference was amazing with words like ‘buzzing’,

‘excellent’, ‘refreshing’, ‘energy’ and ‘awesome’ all featuring highly,” commented Adam Burke, Chair of the Association for Geographic Information. “In fact, one delegate even described it as a ‘Netflix binge for geo-nerds’. Work is already well underway to make sure that the 2023 event exceeds these reviews with a packed programme of world-class speakers, engagement opportunities and industry involvement.”

The theme of GeoCom 23 ‘Intelligent Geospatial for a Sustainable Future’ will focus on the increasing use of automation in the geospatial sector whilst considering how this impacts sustainability such as the digital carbon footprint. GeoCom is a unique event programmed by the industry to bring eminent thought leaders together to inspire and spark debate with an actively engaged audience supporting the AGI’s mission to create a thriving UK geospatial community with a sustainable future.

“GeoCom is the place to share your experience and demonstrate solutions to an educated, engaged and receptive audience and we are urging everyone to get involved,” Burke continued. “We are currently working on the programme so get in touch if you have an opinion to voice or a solution to demonstrate as we have a limited number of sponsor opportunities for organisations active within the geospatial sector.”

The AGI is an independent and impartial organisation representing the UK

geospatial sector. Working with members and the wider community, the AGI

successfully influences government policy, delivers the highest quality of education and provides a lead for best practice across the industry. Established in 1990, members of the AGI enjoy unrivalled networking opportunities, a framework to learn new skills and the support to progress professional development.


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