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British Cartographic Society Administrator Contract

D. René

Following the early termination of our current administrator contract due to family issues, the BCS wishes to appoint a replacement to start in the New Year.

This varied role is part time, typically between 12 and 18 hours a week, and would suit someone with previous admin or bookkeeping experience, but there is no need for any knowledge of the cartographic industry.

The role is to provide all the bookkeeping, membership and event support required by the Treasurer and the Membership, Programme and Publication teams. A full list of tasks is given below.

Anyone doing the work is not employed by the Society and under the terms of the contract is responsible for their own taxes, pension etc. The contract is let for a three-year term, with an annual value of between £12,000 and £15,000.

Please submit a CV and covering letter to:

Ros Derby

Administrator, BCS


If you would like to discuss the role and your suitability, please contact:


Dr Seppe Cassettari

President BCS


The closing deadline for applications is 21st December 2023. We will hold virtual interviews during the week of the 2nd January, with a view to letting the contract from the 8th January 2024.

Please forward this to anyone you think might be interested.


British Cartographic Society Administrator Contract

Scope of work

The planned scope of work will include, but may not be limited to, the following:


• Manage renewals, including sending out reminders

• Manage new members — send out welcome packs

• Answer any queries about membership

• Manage the membership database, including mailing lists

BCS events (Teatime Talks, Fellows event, Winter Lecture, Annual Conference, AGM, SIGs, one-off events, etc.)

• Set up and manage Eventbrite for registrations

• Set up and manage Zoom for events when applicable

• Email members about events

• Point of contact for venues when hosting an in-person event

• Attend the BCS Conference to provide admin support, on the basis that all expenses are paid by the BCS

Third-party events (GeoBusiness, Esri, DGI, GGP. etc.)

• Point of contact for arranging stands and negotiating terms

• Organise who will be on stands

• Arrange delivery and collection of material to events


• Maintain the Excel Accounts spreadsheet based on bank statements

• Process and manage expense claims

• Process invoices received

• Raise and manage outgoing invoices

• Manage the Society's online banking


Cartography: an introduction

• Process all sales and keep stock of books


• Provide mailing list to distributors from database

• Send digital copies to Student and Corporate members

The Cartographic Journal

• Provide mailing list from database when asked by Taylor & Francis

• Provide list of new members to Taylor & Francis (digital copies) on a regular basis

Cartographiti (digital only)

• Email publication to MCG members

Maps and Surveys (digital only)

• Email publication to HMMG members

BCS property

• Hub for all BCS property

Council and other meetings

• Attend all Council meetings

• Prepare a monthly administrative report

• Prepare the Annual Report for the AGM in June

• Send notice of AGM to all members

• Distribute Annual Report and ballot papers to all members (liaise with Hon. Secretary)

• Ensure all information is up to date with the Charity Commission

British Cartographic Society Registered address: Registered Charity Number: 240034 c/o Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) I Kensington Gore, London, SW7 2AR



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