The graph below shows how many times a conference theme has been indicated in the ICC 2023 submissions to date - each conference theme appears at least a few times in the submissions. The number of submissions increased significantly in the last week - thanks for your support with this!

Submissions via EasyChair are now closed so that we can start the reviewing process, however, due to the Chinese new year and a few other requests that we received, we have decided to still accept abstracts via email until Monday 30 January 2023. If you have a late submission, please email the abstract to, then we will upload it in EasyChair on your behalf. We will also need the following: keywords, up to three conference topics / themes (see and whether you would like your submission to be considered for a special issue in one of the ICA affiliated journals (Cartographica, Cartography and Geographic Information Science (CAGIS) or The Cartographic Journal).