The Map Curators' Toolbox
An online source of information and help for map curators, librarians and archivists, sponsored by the Map Curators' Group of the British Cartographic Society.
The Map Curators' Group is not responsible for the contents of any external webpages.
Organisations related to maps and map collections in the UK, Europe and the World
Email discussion groups
Gateway Websites
The "Big 10" UK map collections and links to other important map collections
Map collection catalogues online
Map scale
Cataloguing of maps
Conservation of maps
Bibliographies on map librarianship
Periodicals about map librarianship
History of cartography
Map dealers (modern)
Government Agencies including OS and UKHO
Reference sources including gazetteers
Equipment and supplies
Military mapping
Nautical mapping
Air photos and satellite imagery
Digital resources
Geodetic Tools
Higher Education resources
Dating a map
Security issues
Co-operative ventures
Miscellaneous but interesting!
These pages were compiled by: April Carlucci (British Library Map Library); Tinho da Cruz (Department of Geography, University of Liverpool); Anne Taylor (Cambridge University Library). They are maintained by the Map Curators' Group of the BCS. Colleagues are requested to help keep this information current by e-mailing suggestions for inclusion, and details of links that don't work.
The pages are intended to provide a first port of call for new colleagues, as well as a central place to find those documents or websites that you use infrequently but which are important/useful. Sadly, it cannot be an exhaustive list of every website that might be useful to the map curator/librarian/archivist - the maintenance would be a nightmare! We hope that you find it useful!
The organisers wish to thank the Western Association of Map Libraries, whose original Map Librarians' Toolbox was the inspiration for our UK version.